Well possibly your understanding of shift knobs got moved. Whether you require a muscle automobile shift knob, a standard hot rod shift knob, a shift knob with an etched shift pattern, a nutty Ed Roth design shift knob, or a stylish knob that compliments your custom-made interior, we have actually got your knob ...
Welcome to Invite Rod Gear.ShiftKnob.Net, where shifters go to find their discover knob Best Ceramic knobs, antique glass door knobs, pewter sand-cast knobs, shine knobs, marbleized knobs, nostalgia knobs, skull knobs, shrunken head knobs customized unique shifts knobs that are hand-painted making use of custom-made metallics and high-end automobile surfaces.
Rock the knob of a manual gearbox from side to side before starting the engine, to confirm that the gearbox is in neutral (starting the car in gear causes it to lurch forwards since the starter motor has sufficient torque to move the whole vehicle; this can be highly dangerous, especially if the parking brake is not firmly applied). Some cars require the clutch pedal to be depressed before the starter will engage, for the same reason. The latter practice is also useful in extremely cold conditions or with a weak battery, since it avoids the starter motor also having to turn over a gearbox full of cold and highly viscous oil.